4-2-2020 Thursday Live Chat Thread

I think that song was in heavy rotation back when I was a competitive bodybuilder and managing a gym. Heard it four times a day for months.;)
Plus it sounds like the Rolling Stones:D.
Heard the song yesterday at work. Smiled.
that's a good memory, I was wondering if it was one of those songs ppl had of a girl....or boy (for the ladies), of a lost or unrequited love...you know, one of those songs everyone has stored away in their memories...… but the ones that take you back to a certain time period are good also.....i have many of those too.
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Ed Farmer just died. He was the White Sox radio play-by-play man and former pitcher for the White Sox and was also on that great Baltimore Orioles staff with Jim Palmer and Tom Flanigan.
He was a trailblazer in the sense that he was one of the first dedicated relief pitchers, under Tony Larussa's stint with the White Sox. Early 80's.
Last season a lot of us fans figured out that something was wrong because he would speak in a week voice sometimes and take time off.
Chicago radio is teary eyed. He was only 70. Probably listened to White Sox games with him for 23 years. He could really teach you the finer points of the game.
Ed Farmer was a practicing Catholic and I always liked it when he would say, " Remember, Catholics, tomorrow is a holy day of obligation " and then name the parish where he would attend Mass on the road.:)
His former broadcasting partner was Ed Rooney, now with the Arizona Diamondbacks. Best broadcast duo ever.:cool:
Damn. I spent a big chunk of my life listening to him broadcast games. Sad.
Good morning forum. Sorry to hear of Ed Farmers passing. So many gone too soon.
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Ed Farmer just died. He was the White Sox radio play-by-play man and former pitcher for the White Sox and was also on that great Baltimore Orioles staff with Jim Palmer and Tom Flanigan.
He was a trailblazer in the sense that he was one of the first dedicated relief pitchers, under Tony Larussa's stint with the White Sox. Early 80's.
Last season a lot of us fans figured out that something was wrong because he would speak in a week voice sometimes and take time off.
Chicago radio is teary eyed. He was only 70. Probably listened to White Sox games with him for 23 years. He could really teach you the finer points of the game.
Ed Farmer was a practicing Catholic and I always liked it when he would say, " Remember, Catholics, tomorrow is a holy day of obligation " and then name the parish where he would attend Mass on the road.:)
His former broadcasting partner was Ed Rooney, now with the Arizona Diamondbacks. Best broadcast duo ever.:cool:
Damn. I spent a big chunk of my life listening to him broadcast games. Sad.
Thanks for sharing, Paintman
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For your morning amusement.....THIS is what I get to look at most nights. The Bulldog likes to sleep sitting up in hub's arm, and he falls asleep while holding here. Jimmy Church may have Twitter on his left. Me? I have this to look at. :p

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Hiya Debi.
Cooking up a storm:D. Watching WWF Cat Wrestling. Those two have so much fun.
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Hiya Debi.
Cooking up a storm:D. Watching WWF Cat Wrestling. Those two have so much fun.
Hiya Paint! I listened in to Clyde Lewis the last two nights. Refreshing. Even the dog slept better with a new show on. :D

Sounds to me like your house should smell delicious!

Funny story here.....I'm doing a "meat deal" in a parking lot tonight. I feel like I'm sending my son out for a drug deal or something! lol Have a friend who is friends with the owner of a Mexican restaurant who has extra hamburger and chicken. She's picking it up and handing it off to my son in the Speedway parking lot. :p
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I think that song was in heavy rotation back when I was a competitive bodybuilder and managing a gym. Heard it four times a day for months.;)
Plus it sounds like the Rolling Stones:D.
Heard the song yesterday at work. Smiled.

OMG yet ANOTHER thing we have in common,Paint!!

I too ,was a competitive bodybuilder and owned a gym....but that was dogs-years ago
Tell him to take his gun just in case the deal goes bad.
Seriously that's pretty cool:cool:
Debi, this past few days I made jambalaya, a modified jambalaya soup with wild rice, paella, and now I'm doing the pasta sauce.
We are stocking up my mom's basement freezer in case we get into a full shutdown.
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Cool Jad,
I'm guessing that was during the tail end of the golden era of bodybuilding.
I caught the tail end of the tail:). What kind of gym did you have ?