4-15-2023 Saturday Live Chat

Good morning peeps, today is going to busy. I am heading out in a bit to help my daughter show her boat to a potential sale. We don't want her going alone. Then we will no doubt grab lunch somewhere and then off to the stables to check on the horse. My house is getting dusty, I need a robot to dust and vacuum for me. Hope you all have a great weekend. It is sunny and beautiful still here in the big Mitten.
Good morning peeps, today is going to busy. I am heading out in a bit to help my daughter show her boat to a potential sale. We don't want her going alone. Then we will no doubt grab lunch somewhere and then off to the stables to check on the horse. My house is getting dusty, I need a robot to dust and vacuum for me. Hope you all have a great weekend. It is sunny and beautiful still here in the big Mitten.
Morning Lynne. Sounds like a good day. Supposed to get rain here, but so far holding off.