4-15-2020 Wednesday Live Chat Thread

Jad, your day sounds like Ray Liotta's character at the end of Goodfellas.

hajhahaha i l.ove u paintman!! I worked with Ray back in the 80's.I think he was coming off a soap opeara.All I remember is he had bad skin and was making goo-goo eyes at me GOD he was incredible in GOODFELLOWS,I remember so clearly when i first saw the film.I had spent 8 monhs in Moscow and I was able to spend a weekend in Helsinki and I remember sitting in a movie theater and having my MIND BLOWN.
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Jad, what's this guy a really large young fellow wearing shorts on a cold day and house slippers in the grocery store?
If so I met up with him two days ago at the grocery store in Chicagoland.