4-1-2024 Monday Live Chat

Yeah i'll stick to posting stuff on site. As much as i'd love to say everything i have posted here on site was fiction...they certainly were not. Good enough for me to get those things out there as way back when there wasn't anyone to speak about those things to.
It's hard for me to wrap my head around it all and if it helps someone see they aren't the only ones encountering similar things, well that is the point. None of us are ever alone in it.
Reading this question my mind is drawing a complete blank. I never really thought about it before, but now the question has been asked and I don't ever remember studying for anything in school. I was a solid B- student who rarely did homework but did well on tests. Of course I think it helped going to school where I did, I wasn't in a gang or selling drugs so that automatically pushed me up towards the top of the class.
Reading this question my mind is drawing a complete blank. I never really thought about it before, but now the question has been asked and I don't ever remember studying for anything in school. I was a solid B- student who rarely did homework but did well on tests. Of course I think it helped going to school where I did, I wasn't in a gang or selling drugs so that automatically pushed me up towards the top of the class.
I rarely studied and easily pulled A's and B's. Except math...lol
Reading this question my mind is drawing a complete blank. I never really thought about it before, but now the question has been asked and I don't ever remember studying for anything in school. I was a solid B- student who rarely did homework but did well on tests. Of course I think it helped going to school where I did, I wasn't in a gang or selling drugs so that automatically pushed me up towards the top of the class.
I never studied all that hard either. Again, math always gave me the most issue. I never really studied that either lol, so guess is why did poorly by not putting much effort into it.
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I believe we all need to be able to fall back on old ways when needed. What worries me is so many young people have no idea how to write without a computer. Heck, typing is about to fade away to what I call "thumb" typing. I'm a touch typist and use a keyboard, which is why I text so slow. And for the many who have forgotten how to use punctuation and capitalization and run sentences together without it, I have to say, it disturbs me to try and read it!
i hate reading the ticker tape on some channels anymore. misspelled, punctuation non existent or misplaced. cant blame that on the keybourd or computer. only on the individual entering it. spelling must not be a high priority in school anymore...lol... or this generation is just too into all the abreviations....lol
i hate reading the ticker tape on some channels anymore. misspelled, punctuation non existent or misplaced. cant blame that on the keybourd or computer. only on the individual entering it. spelling must not be a high priority in school anymore...lol... or this generation is just too into all the abreviations....lol
Have you tried closed caption TV lately? OMG...lol
Have you tried closed caption TV lately? OMG...lol
lol, i can imagine. i hate closed caption. cant read and watch at the same time....lol...never could get the hang of that