2-3-2020 Monday Live Chat Thread

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When George really applies himself he's pretty good.
What's the thing is she just phones it in too many times. Sure can't do that at my job.
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Please notify me when he applies himself.....
He had a nice 2-day day run somewhere around Christmas.
He read somebody's book, and it showed.
Debi , I just have to thank you for not permanently giving me a lifetime ban from The Forum for my chicken joke.
He had a nice 2-day day run somewhere around Christmas.
He read somebody's book, and it showed.
Debi , I just have to thank you for not permanently giving me a lifetime ban from The Forum for my chicken joke.
LOL I loved it! lol

Off to cook for a bit. It's spagetti and meatball night. Easy peasy....
We reached 68 degrees today. The wind has now come in and we are told that tomorrow at this time we will be at 32 degrees with a snow/rain mix hitting us through Weds. Well, it was nice while it lasted!