2-28-2018 Wednesday Live Chat Thread

Do you recall the story about the lady who had a roll of biscuit dough in the back seat of her car. The cannister burst open with a bang. The lady felt the back of her head, felt the dough and interpreted it as she had been shot and that brains were falling out. That's the shortened version. Google probably has it stored somewhere .
Yes, I remember that story!
Great memes and jokes this morning. Hope everyone makes it over the hump today. Debi we’ll be keeping you and Hubby in our thoughts today. Praying for done good news.

Critter pass the bagels and tea !
Thanks, Lynne. We're headed out shortly.
Hi gang. Just stopping gbin for a min. Wands you are part of the family now and we are so glad you came. Happy anniversary!
I found a picture that describes me perfectly :D
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