12-7-2021 Tuesday Live Chat

This one gets a little close to home because was playing golf at a resort and the guy that I was paired with droves his cart end of the pond. It was on an Indian reservation and they keep close tabs on the alcohol and this guy could not be that messed up without some pills or powder.
Me - decent guy ,I decided to give him my cart and I would just walk. He was a mess.
So the course Ranger pulls up on me and very loudly and with a lot of swear words decided that I was the guy that drove the thing into the pond.
This thing got settled out with a bunch of cops.
And to this day I still say a lot of crap load on the Majestic Lake Golf Course and Casino in Minneapolis Minnesota.
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This one gets a little close to home because was playing golf at a resort and the guy that I was paired with droves his cart end of the pond. It was on an Indian reservation and they keep close tabs on the alcohol and this guy could not be that messed up without some pills or powder.
Me - decent guy ,I decided to give him my cart and I would just walk. He was a mess.
So the course Ranger pulls up on me and very loudly and with a lot of swear words decided that I was the guy that drove the thing into the pond.
This thing got settled out with a bunch of cops.
And to this day I still say a lot of crap load on the Majestic Lake Golf Course and Casino in Minneapolis Minnesota.
Now, THAT'S a life story that one cannot forget! lol

Howdy Paint! How does the painting go?
Hi gang of the bedroom is coming along and it's going to bleed over into another day because I just want to do a really nice job.
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