11-8-2018 Thursday Live Chat Thread

i like this host
I’m glad it’s short because I’m still sick with this virus. I can’t hang long.
Now, THERE is a theory we haven't really heard. Nice, Lynne!
Is the channel you pulled the video from tonight known to you? I was wondering if the channel itself was worth perusing.
I'll be looking into this show a bit. I don't know if Lynne sent me this or where I got this one. Lynne, is this one of your finds?
I believe so because I’ve seen it before.
I’m glad it’s short because I’m still sick with this virus. I can’t hang long.
Another reason I went short tonight. And Jad is still getting sand out of her shoes!
Is the channel you pulled the video from tonight known to you? I was wondering if the channel itself was worth perusing.
Not known to me but I'm going to get to know it.