10-14-2021 Thursday Live Chat

Everyone get comfy. Grab a handful and candy or snack. Cue up! We start in 13 minutes!

Was just talking talking to my grandkids on line. They went and picked apples and found pumpkins today. They bought two of the biggest pumpkins I've ever seen! They hauled it out in an oversized wagon. Pretty sure the will have to climb in them to clean them out.
Ha !
OK, so did ya hear they have announced a possible turkey shortage for Thanksgiving? Toilet paper I can work around with other options. There is no substitute for a turkey. And if you tell me chicken I will argue the fact! lol

Hope Lynne makes it tonight! She's been wanting a show night.
No better smell than turkey in the oven. Well . . maybe bread or cookies
All three of those are at the top of my list. We shall give Lynne a few more minutes to wander aboard here.
OK, we're gonna start and we'll TS in anybody not here yet. Just in case I have issues with off and on internet.

Get ready....on my next post!