
I can't recall ever watching a romance, except for "The Notebook", because my wife was going to make me sleep on the guest bed if I didn't.

The absolute best Romance book and movie that I never saw was "Fifty Shades of Gray".
Wife was a totally different person for a year, after that, I give it a hundred thousand, million stars. :)
I really enjoyed "The Notebook"; thanks for reminding me to watch it again!
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After reading the answers, I'm getting a Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus thing going here! The definition of "Romance" appears to differ...greatly!

Paulm....Die Hard? Really? I looked it up. It's classified as an action/thriller by IMDb...although some do try for the "Christmas" movie category!
Paulm....Die Hard? Really? I looked it up. It's classified as an action/thriller by IMDb...although some do try for the "Christmas" movie category!
OMG....did you see what all that man went through to reconcile with his wife...... i mean, that party and her friends were unbearable........ that is romance at its finest right there...... ( and on a less painful, slightly annoying note, he also had those pesky terrorist to deal with.)
so yeah a christmas romance all the way around......should be on hallmark every year.....;)
OMG....did you see what all that man went through to reconcile with his wife...... i mean, that party and her friends were unbearable........ that is romance at its finest right there...... ( and on a less painful, slightly annoying note, he also had those pesky terrorist to deal with.)
so yeah a christmas romance all the way around......should be on hallmark every year.....;)
I'm not sure who's scaring me more at this, Benway, or