
Could this cause the Mandella Effect?
You are reading my mind again! So, if this is true the multi verse theory is out the window and we are basically editing our present by our conscious awareness of what we expect to see. Maybe we are living in the matrix after all
You are reading my mind again! So, if this is true the multi verse theory is out the window and we are basically editing our present by our conscious awareness of what we expect to see. Maybe we are living in the matrix after all
It makes my head hurt to even think about it
My mind is very mushy after reading all of that lol
LOL. All of that?! I got one paragraph in and my eyes glazed over lol. All things are connected. You cannot change the past. You learn from the past. How you choose to move forward is all that matters. You choose your surroundings. You choose your path. You rise or fall upon your choices. Nobody is perfect. We may choose wrong paths, but in the end, i feel our path becomes clear and once again we keep going into the beyond. If i am way off the subject, sorry lol.