4-12-2021 Monday Live Chat

The city dropped-off neighborhood cleanup dumpsters on my street today. After getting home from Mrs. GW's doctor appt. & picking up a prescription, I took the oppirtunity to get rid of three big piles of blackberry cuttings. I had intended to send most if it through my chipper but this saved me a Saturday's labor. A pile of broken concrete chunks from replaced fence posts joined the cuttings.
This place is starting to look lived-in again!
The city dropped-off neighborhood cleanup dumpsters on my street today. After getting home from Mrs. GW's doctor appt. & picking up a prescription, I took the oppirtunity to get rid of three big piles of blackberry cuttings. I had intended to send most if it through my chipper but this saved me a Saturday's labor. A pile of broken concrete chunks from replaced fence posts joined the cuttings.
This place is starting to look lived-in again!
You guys get dumpsters? Nice!
They drop them off one day a year, without warning and never over the weekend. They are gone in 48 hours. You snooze, you lose.
They drop them off one day a year, without warning and never over the weekend. They are gone in 48 hours. You snooze, you lose.
I pay for all garbage pick up from a private small company. Living this far out, there is no trash service. At some point, a dumpster will be needed here for sure. Amazing how as an adult how a dumpster can bring you happiness! lol
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I've been busy all day getting the new kitty settled. I let her switch rooms with the other two cats for about an hour so that they can pick up each others scents.