Never Used

I'll second Algebra but I'm going to add Geometry to that list. I remember an old teacher telling me that it was basically a necessity that I'd need later in life and I argued the point that I didn't with a wave of the hand - Jedi mind trick. And hey! It worked :p OK, I'm joking about the mind trick but somehow, someway I didn't have to take that course. Basic math I could do easily, but Alg and Geo weren't my strong suits.
I'll second Algebra but I'm going to add Geometry to that list.
Ge om e try - that's what the acorn said when it grew up. :) I still remember my math teacher telling us that joke in the first day of class. Mrs Brewer was her name. She was also my homeroom teacher - where you reported each day for attendence and other special functions.
Ge om e try - that's what the acorn said when it grew up. :) I still remember my math teacher telling us that joke in the first day of class. Mrs Brewer was her name. She was also my homeroom teacher - where you reported each day for attendence and other special functions.
My teacher's name at that time was Mrs. Mangum and she was as cool as cool can be. Awesome. And there was another one I remember - Mr. Hassard. This guy would let us curse in class if we so desired and wouldn't tell so much as a soul. I remember going to class one day and honest to god, as soon as I opened the door, the knob came off right in my hands and all eyes were on me as if I'd done it. I looked at the doorknob in my right hand, to my classmates. Back to the knob and to my classmates.

To take the heat off of myself, I gently tossed it in front of me and said, 'I wish they'd fix this da** thing!' which drew a few laughs from my classmates, but it worked. Good times though.
Is there such a thing as a math dyslexic? Cuz I'm pretty sure I
I haven’t researched it but I believe is. It took me a lot of years to get over my confusions of the letters “f” no “s”. But even at age 58 I have problems recalling numbers with more than four digits...once it hit’s three digits I’m sweating.
I was waiting for math, trig, algebra to be posted. I absolutely love math and math proofs and have used math of all kinds throughout my life. I did take an advanced applied calculus class that I hope to never use again. The class was so difficult that the professor encouraged students to work together on the assigned homework.
You and my brother would get along, he reads books on math lol. I wish I could go back in time and look at math with a different attitude. I think if I saw it as more of a puzzle to figure out, I might enjoy working on it. I had such a mental block against it , my mind would not learn it.
I was waiting for math, trig, algebra to be posted. I absolutely love math and math proofs and have used math of all kinds throughout my life. I did take an advanced applied calculus class that I hope to never use again. The class was so difficult that the professor encouraged students to work together on the assigned homework.
Being able to do calculus and differential equations got me through engineering school. More than once I didn't understand what I solved meant, but I was able to do the math to get the right answers. I aced Boundary Layer Theory, but to this day don't understand it.
Being able to do calculus and differential equations got me through engineering school. More than once I didn't understand what I solved meant, but I was able to do the math to get the right answers. I aced Boundary Layer Theory, but to this day don't understand it.
You engineers have amazing brains. I am in awe.