1-16-2020 Thursday Live Chat

My oldest lives in St. Pete, but my favorite place ever is Key West....actually all the Keys are kinda cool.
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Never heard of those places. What do you mean by the keys?
google "Florida keys"
Never heard of those places. What do you mean by the keys?
Southwest of Miami is a group of Islands called the Keys. They are connected by a very long seven mile bridge. It's a really cool area, with some of the craziest but most fun people you will ever see.

Key West, a U.S. island city, is part of the Florida Keys archipelago. It's also Florida's southernmost point, lying roughly 90 miles north of Cuba. Famed for its pastel-hued, conch-style houses, it’s a cruise-ship stop also accessible from the mainland via the Overseas Highway. It’s known more for its coral reefs – destinations for diving and snorkeling – than for its beaches.
Elevation: 18′
Weather: 80°F (27°C), Wind E at 10 mph (16 km/h), 55% Humidity
Population: 25,208 (2017)
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Thanks for sharing the info. Did you ever dive the coral reef?
Southwest of Miami is a group of Islands called the Keys. They are connected by a very long seven mile bridge. It's a really cool area, with some of the craziest but most fun people you will ever see.

Key West, a U.S. island city, is part of the Florida Keys archipelago. It's also Florida's southernmost point, lying roughly 90 miles north of Cuba. Famed for its pastel-hued, conch-style houses, it’s a cruise-ship stop also accessible from the mainland via the Overseas Highway. It’s known more for its coral reefs – destinations for diving and snorkeling – than for its beaches.
Elevation: 18′
Weather: 80°F (27°C), Wind E at 10 mph (16 km/h), 55% Humidity
Population: 25,208 (2017)
gotta love the keys. beautiful islands
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Hi Paul and Crux!

No, never did do any diving. Swimming, yes, diving, no. But the whole area is full of exciting, fun energy. And a drink in everyone's hand. lol
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Sounds awesome.
If you ever visit the family in Miami, you have got to spend a few days down in the Keys. You won't regret it! And it's close by. The bridge takes awhile to get over, the traffic clogs around Key West itself, and it's best to park and take the public people mover train around town.