Dark Matter: Art Bell interviews Dr. Michael Heiser

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Show me one proof of the existance of a creator other than that science hasn't yet come up with an answer so there must be a god
Mike - I appreciate your ability to analyze but it seems you turn that part of your brain off when dealing with your own beliefs

Faith by definition is blind. without reason
Actually, I turn it on - that's what gets me in trouble on the other side of the fence. It's silly to ask for a material-based evidence for something that, by definition, wouldn't be material. I'd also be turning my brain off if I said one could *prove* God in such a way. we can't. I'd suggest though that theism is more coherent than the alternative. Wish I was a faster typist!
Actually, I turn it on - that's what gets me in trouble on the other side of the fence. It's silly to ask for a material-based evidence for something that, by definition, wouldn't be material. I'd also be turning my brain off if I said one could *prove* God in such a way. we can't. I'd suggest though that theism is more coherent than the alternative. Wish I was a faster typist!
No - disagree completely. In anything that science cannot prove, it must hypothesize, and then we must choose where we land (our best guess) - that is informed "faith". We don't live in a world where all reality and questions about reality are settled.
But you say the creator or god "exists". If so then show me.
Actually, I turn it on - that's what gets me in trouble on the other side of the fence. It's silly to ask for a material-based evidence for something that, by definition, wouldn't be material. I'd also be turning my brain off if I said one could *prove* God in such a way. we can't. I'd suggest though that theism is more coherent than the alternative. Wish I was a faster typist!
Hi, Dr. Heiser. Just curious, do you ever interact with your public at your sites, NakedBibleBlog.com, PaleoBabble.com and UFOReligions.com? I am asking because I'm on the east coast where it's 2 am and am fading fast. However, it would be awesome to have intelligent discussion with a guest on Art's show when I have something coherent to say. :)
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No - disagree completely. In anything that science cannot prove, it must hypothesize, and then we must choose where we land (our best guess) - that is informed "faith". We don't live in a world where all reality and questions about reality are settled.
Like dimensions - the number. If you land at five and I land at ten, our landings are both faith-based. You embrace your choice as more coherent; I do the same. NEITHER is "science dictated."
I wonder how he would respond to my belief of alternate or multiple realities?
no problem with other dimensions. I think I'm lost in one on this forum - I keep hitting numbers at the top and sometimes the page looks the same, other times it doesn't. A new environment for me. If anyone has seen Time Bandits, I'l like the map right about now.
No - there is a reality. We will know the truth of dimensions...etc. But - you cannot make the unreal real. Faith causes you to believe in an unreal thing.
His name is Persinger (I'm pasting some stuff in now - I'm not that fast of a typist).
In a 2002 study, Persinger and Faye Healey reported that under double-blind conditions they had exposed forty-eight right-handed university students (twenty-four men and twenty-four women) to weak (100nT to 1μT) complex pulsed magnetic fields. The fields chosen were not much stronger than the ones a computer monitor or a cell phone would generate ...

Two-thirds of the subjects a sensed presence under the influence of the magnetic fields. But 33 percent of the control (sham-field) group reported a sensed presence too. In other words, Persinger found that twice as many subjects reported a sensed presence under the magnetic field as those who reported one without a magnetic field."
You can say it is so. You can say i really think it is. But - sorry - it doesnt
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