

Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
What is your favorite time of day? What's special about that particular time of day?

What is your least favorite time of day? What is it about that time of day that puts it at the bottom of your list?
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I don't really have a favorite timed of "day" I prefer the evenings once everyone is settled & sleeping bc that's "my" time where I can do the things I need / want to do or just relax & meditate quietly

My least favorite is usually between 5-7 pm bc I'm getting supper ready, kids bathed & settled down for quiet / story time before sending them to bed, so that's the most hectic (& usually about the time everyone decides to start blowing up my phone with calls)
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Hate mornings. I wish I could just do all the things at night
Im with you. My fav time is evenings here. I like the quiet and the days work is done. It’s time to finally relax.

I hate mornings. Waking up is always a slow process. I’m moving and doing but my brain is not on full power for a few hours.
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It's all fine, no matter the hour, depends more on what I'm doing. That said, getting up too early in the morning, for anything, is a drag. I have to set two alarm clocks, and lay my clothes out the night before like a little kid.
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