Time jump


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

*And yes, you can only pick one of the two!*


I’d say 500 years into the future for two reasons.
I’ve always fantasized about interstellar space travel like shown on Star Trek so maybe I could encounter it’s reality in the year 2500-something.

Second, I would like to think that I could reveal myself as a person from the past without being a threat to anyone or any institutions of the future.

I don’t think either of those points would be true back in the 1500s.
Probably into the future, as certain conditions were appalling 500 years ago. OTOH, the world was a lot less populated and probably a lot cleaner than it is now, so it would be tempting! But yeah, probably the future.
Probably into the future, as certain conditions were appalling 500 years ago. OTOH, the world was a lot less populated and probably a lot cleaner than it is now, so it would be tempting! But yeah, probably the future.
I even cringe GS when I think about the design of the office chairs of the 1950s. What would the 1500s do to me?
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This is a no-brainer for me - I'd love to go back into the past 500 years.

Yes, I know that unless you were wealthy and powerful, life was probably awful, but I would love to live in a less polluted, quieter and less populated world.

I'd probably choose to be a farmer just living a simple life, growing my own food, tending to my animals and snuggling down at night with a nice fire going in my hut.

Apparently, people in the Middle Ages were given more free time/holidays than we are today! And the Lord of the Manor had to provide you with a feast every so often so...I reckon life wasn't that bad.
That's a hard choice. Not to sound like a party pooper, but going back 500 years will all the viruses we have been exposed to would probably wipe out the planet back then. If that wasn't an issue, then i wouldn't mind seeing the world before all the advancements.
think i would go back. seeing history would be amazing..... and on the plus side, by going back you would now be hearing the prophesies of paul. (that is if we could retain what we know now...lol)... and maybe i would know what to do and not to do..how to act, etc... going 500 years into the future i would just be the village idiot....
Past or future would present difficulties, but with the events 500 years ago, at least you'd have history of the era at your side. But either way, you'd have a hell of a story to tell - assuming it wouldn't alter history as BTTF suggested.
Past or future would present difficulties, but with the events 500 years ago, at least you'd have history of the era at your side. But either way, you'd have a hell of a story to tell - assuming it wouldn't alter history as BTTF suggested.
Two of the issues which I think about when hypothesizing about traveling 500 years backwards in time with my current knowledge of that period are:
1. Accuracy of our historical records.
2. Limited worldwide communications and even more limited worldwide travel. What I mean on this second point is, even if I know names, places, and approximate dates for relevant events, what is the likelihood that I will be - can be - at an appropriate location in order to make use of that knowledge … even if only from an observer’s perspective. Can I get to the right place at the right time using the transportation methods of that time!?
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Although I like simple life and I identify with a lot of the old thing, I will choose the future. I have no desire to die from a tooth cavity or have my blood drained for a cold.