The Wailing Ghost


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

The inmates at a women's prison in India say that the facility is haunted and that they are being tormented by the eerie wails of a spirit which echo throughout the building every night. The spooky situation is reportedly unfolding inside a section of a massive prison complex located in the village of Tihar. According to witnesses, the ghost of a woman has been spotted on a handful of occasions in recent weeks and she has apparently been heard with chilling regularity.

Every night at 2 AM, the prisoners lament, the haunting wails of the woman suddenly pierce the silence and rouse the unnerved inmates from the sleep. While one might suspect that the crier in question is a fellow inhabitant of the jail bemoaning their unfortunate predicament, it would seem that is not the case as the individuals plagued by the sounds insist that they are coming from a spirit.

As one can imagine, rumors have been running rampant in the prison as word of the ghostly happenings has spread throughout the cell block. In fact, some inmates have imagined a rather elaborate backstory for the screaming spirit, suggesting that she was a prisoner who was wrongly convicted and took her own life rather than unjustly live out her days at the site.

Other inmates aren't quite convinced that the site is haunted and contend that the women who are hearing the wails are probably hallucinating or stricken with some kind of disease. Be that as it may, the frustrated felons who are losing sleep over the unsettling sounds are now calling on officials at the prison to investigate the matter, since, of course, they can't exactly move out of the building to escape the ghost.
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I've heard my mom cry on two separate occasions after she died.
Geez bob I don’t know what to think of that. That just doesn’t sound right.
I can only imagine the atrocities that go on in those places.It wouldn't surprise me if it was the spirit or soul of someone still incarcerated and still alive, trying desperately to escape.
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Geez bob I don’t know what to think of that. That just doesn’t sound right.
Williams, I was my mom's caregiver, and I have a few theories. My mom was depressed after my dad died. My sister asked about things from the house after my mom died; my sister went from weeping to demanding things in a brief moment.

I have the house and my mom loved the house. After my mom died, I discovered some of her bathroom stuff neatly relocated under my if to say "the house now belongs to you." My mom's death was untimely; she died from an abnormal blood condition called ITP.

I think my mom died in a saddened state...she knew my sisters were greedy and she didn't want to see them or talk to them during her final hospital stay.
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I can only imagine the atrocities that go on in those places.It wouldn't surprise me if it was the spirit or soul of someone still incarcerated and still alive, trying desperately to escape.
Several years ago I dated this cool country chick; she told me about a small family cemetery that was haunted. We were parked on the road and saw a red object that was moving within the perimeter of the cemetery. The cemetery had a chain link fence that surrounded it. This ectoplasm moved about 4 feet off the ground, moved all over the cemetery, and never left the fenced in area. We were about 50 yds away; the cemetery was on private land.
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If there was a place to expect a lamenting wail it would be a prison.