Tampa Mafia Boss


Go Go White Sox
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Jul 24, 2015
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and his ties to the JFK assassination.
My Mom's best friend since college was was somewhat part of this organization. Let's just say her father was the team physician for the organization, and she is still in touch with Santo Trafficants' children.
I still call my Mom's best friend Aunt M.:) There is a cool family picture of my Mom, Aunt M., Santo &. His co-workers, Doc, and Al Lopez sitting around a giant dinner table in a fancy restaurant in Tampa.
Al Lopez was the manager of the Chicago White Sox.
Oh, and Trafficante was probably neck deep in the JFK assassination.
Tampa crime boss Santo Trafficante Jr. plays a central role in thriller ‘Mafia Spies’

The Book fits super close to my theory about the assassination. in the article the writer focuses on Castro taking the mobs casinos in Cuba.
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Casinos are really sexy in the mob movies. But they lost much more when control of the sea ports we're lost to Castro. The mob got a big taste of all of that Cuban tobacco and sugar leaving the country.
I read David Talbot's portrayal of Allen Dulles in The Devil's Chessboard. Given his nefarious motives and associations, that Dulles was on the Warren Commission seems like a staggering conflict of interest. His influence alone probably prevented the most important facts regarding the JFK assassination from ever being revealed. Mafia Spies seems like it would be a nice follow-on read.
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I'm going to order it.
I think the whole story is so compartmentalised that even after all this time all we are going to get is bits and pieces. My FBI uncle went looking and only got a few bits and pieces that are not public knowledge.

When I would meet with him I would give him a scenario about how JFK was murdered. And try to pull something out of his non reactions and questions he would ask me. He said I'm as close as I'm going to get with the last scenario I presented to him. The big pieces are all there and moving in the direction that really happened.
In the late fifties the CIA asked Chicago outfit boss Sam Giancana to arrange a hit on Castro. This would give the government deniability.
They did a lot of the legwork that would have led to the Bay of Pigs invasion. JFK pulled the Air Force air cover at the last minute and the operation was scrapped.
The Cuban gold mine was gone forever. Mob mad. Mob wants some special considerations for their efforts.
At this time J Edgar Hoover is still telling the public that there is no organized crime in America. But JFK's brother Bobby is the attorney general and vows to go to war against organized crime. Mob very very angry.

Santo Trafficante in Tampa was the enforcement arm and was tapped to orchestrate the hit. Disgruntled elements of the CIA may have been aware and supplied Oswald.

One fine point. Giancana was technically not the boss of Chicago. That was Murray 'The Hump' Humphreys. Sam Giancana lived in Chicago but ran gambling in the United States and other countries. His organization was wealthier than the five families in New York.
Fun stuff:) Glad to find another PFN member into this stuff.
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Glad to find another PFN member into this stuff.

I have always been interested in the JFK assassination, but I am well short of being an expert.

Over the years, I have come to believe that Oswald did fire the fatal shot from the Book Repository. However, I have also come to believe that Oswald could not possibly have acted alone. And I always took Oswald's famous exclamation that he was "a patsy" as having more substance than just a desparate effort to minimize his own involvement by implicating others.

Rather, I think Oswald was indeed socially engineered into carrying out the assassination by assets very closely linked to the CIA.

First, because if there is any truth to what I have read on this topic, Oswald, from the time he returned from Russia, was never more than one degree of separation from people directly associated with the CIA. Of course, in the political climate of the times, one could argue that the CIA was simply doing its job by keeping tabs on someone with erratic political views who had defected to Russia and then returned back to the United States. (NOTE: Oswald's defection and return alone is a topic that, in my view, has never received adequate attention.)

Yet, in this context, sheer association with CIA operatives would not be enough to draw the conclusion that Oswald was manipulated into killing the president by the CIA without considering that Kennedy had a lot of people who certainly may have wanted him dead: such as Dulles, Castro and the Mob. And even people within the CIA itself, because of the Bay of Pigs fiasco, may well have had a motive to kill the president.

It may thus have been this perfect storm of enemies that resulted in the assassination. That is to say it was a climate in which Kennedy's enemies were all co-operating, either implicitly or explicitly, in bringing about the tragic event.

Clearly, Oswald was impressionable. And I think by exploiting this personality trait was how he was manipulated into carrying out the act. Now it may very well have been the case that there never was an explicit directive by any of JFK's enemies to kill the president. However, at the same time, given the hatred of JFK, none of his enemies was going to stand in the way or discourage someone else from committing such an act. Further any circumstances potentially leading to an assassination would have been considered an opportunity by all parties involved. And in this environment Oswald could have been subtly encouraged or engineered into carrying out the act, though it has never been clear to me what Oswald's actual motives would have been to form this ultimate catalyst.

Anyway, I am going largely by memory, but those are my thoughts on the subject. I would be interested in some of your theories you mentioned. Have you posted them anywhere?