Night Owl or Early Bird? Which are you?


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
Night owl or early bird? It's in your genes

This new study seems to indicate it's all in the genes. I am a Night Owl, and getting to sleep before 2 AM isn't easy for me! I have always been more productive in the dark. Most of the creative things I do take place then, along with the simpler tasks of housekeeping chores. I haven't seen a sunrise is several years now and the only reason I saw the last one was I was in a car on vacation hanging onto a cup of coffee trying to stay awake.

So, which are you? Do you prefer the moon or the sun to be shining on your "day"?
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Right now I'm neither, but normally I'm a night owl. Love the moon and feel the most energetic at night. Had to fight against that and be a morning person for many years. Sometimes I get physically ill if I get up too early, so I'll agree with that gene theory.
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As job dictates. I paint commercial re-do's.Lots of stuff to do when the malls and car dealerships close. But yeah, if I had a shift, 3-11's. Play golf in the am, and Art-like radio for a few hours.
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My body prefers to see sunrise. I love taking walks very early in the morning. It is so peaceful. The most productive time of the day is morning. By noon or 1pm, I am ready for a siesta.
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If I had my druthers, I would go back to a nocturnal schedule. I find I am most productive between 1700 and 0600. However, that does not really allow one to hold down a job...
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