
Magically Delicious
Jul 24, 2015
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Isla Mariposa

We're in the midst of solar storm energy which is causing us some very powerful effects right now. There has been some very potent solar storm energy that has occurred which will continue this wave of hypersensitivity for awhile longer.
~ Extra sensitive to smell, sound, & light
~ Sleep patterns affected
~ No patience
~ Concentration is off
~ Extra emotions on either end of the spectrum
~ Feeling very scattered, lost & out of sorts
~ Being "done"
This energy could be the big shake up that we need to point us in the direction of what is/isn't nurturing us on our path, what is our deepest truth and where our desires are pointing.
During times of super sensitivity, take the time to tap into your own energy, where you are, what you need. Do something that feeds YOUR soul. Don't worry about anything else right now, your top priority needs to be you.
Spend some time alone if that is what you are called to need right now. Do it in nature, do it the bathtub, do it in a gym; do it in a place that makes you happy.
This is a good time to get with yourself and make sure that you know what it is that you are wanting without the affects of others energy around you. We are coming to a huge time of bringing into the world what it is that we are wanting our future to look like. You need to be in touch with what that looks like for you.
Listen to your inner compass and guidance. Speak your truth.
Need to sleep? Do it. Feel inspired to work? Do that. Feel like hiding and listening to music? Yes! Follow what it is that you are being guided to bring to yourself right now, only you know what it is that you need to nourish the changes that are occurring within and around you. Honor your own path.
When energy gets chaotic like this, we can disconnect from our feelings and emotions. Stay present with what is unfolding in this place for you.
Be connected with your feelings and express them. If you need to release and cry, honor that. If you need to go out into the bush and scream, do that. In all that is unfolding in front of us we need to first be tapped into ourselves.
Stay in touch with what you are needing right now; rest, hydration, music, crystals, non-stress environments.
Be in a place of honoring yourself when there is powerful energy a foot and during times such as there there can be very potent messages and wisdom that can come to us.
Open to the unfolding.
The Mystic Oracle Forecast - The Goddess Circle
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