Has it changed your thoughts?


Sep 16, 2013
Reaction score
South of Indy

Over the past 10 years, a lot of new info and theories have entered the paranormal world. Quantum physics jumped on board, new thoughts on cryptids have been proposed, and many theories on hauntings have been discussed.

Has any of this "input" changed or influenced your overall thoughts or beliefs?
How open are you (really) to new theories about the paranormal?
hasnt changed my beliefs any, all are just theories, and unproven. so i dont look at most of them any differently than any other ideas people have come up with for the past 50 years. as far as cryptids are concerned, i look at all the new theories of interdimensional what not as just being a scapegoat of lack of evidence. " we didnt see anything because it jumped back over to its realm"...yeah not buying it...lol... or the giving them super powers of camera control or cloaking abilities, nope, not real as far as im concerned...
Ghost hunting, not sure about because i do very little in that area. but i still think all the high tech equipment is just a "feel good" need for what is just mainly a hobby for most people. so overall i think the new theories and ideas proposed by the current generation is mainly media sponsored commercialism. a new hobby/activity for the mildly curious spurred on by network television and youtube videos. (instead of buying barn doors that HGTV says you have to have to be current, you get hit with the newest rempod or every spectrum camera on the paranormal shows....lol)
Don't hold back, Paul! lol Tell us how ya feel! ;bg3

I actually have had some changes in my own "theories" from information gleaned from new info on quantum physics. What I've felt to be true (the universe is all connected and this influences what we may see in the paranormal range of things) has connected some dots for me.

Also, the history of some things, including cryptid reports from holy writings and ancient history, has me with one foot on the ground that these may be real entities. Now what they are, I don't know, but it seems to me some of these creatures have a basis to be the real deal. I could not have said that 10 years ago.
I'm not sure what new info is being referred to here. I stopped paying much credence to the mainstream sources some time ago so I guess I'm out of the loop as far as the latest skinny goes.

As Mark Twain said, I'd rather be uninformed than misinformed.
I try to keep an open mind about new theories, but most of the time these theories sound like rehashed concepts that have been around for awhile. And my pet peeve is when someone thinks that just because a scientist is behind a theory, that we should instantly accept it. Scientists are merely human beings trained to think inside the box.
my pet peeve is when someone thinks that just because a scientist is behind a theory, that we should instantly accept it. Scientists are merely human beings trained to think inside the box.
not only a scientist but any "celebrity" on the current ghost/bigfoot/alien television shows and book scene. just because they have an idea or theory it seems everyone now has to jump on that method of research or belief. what we have come to now is everyone searching the exact same way and relying on the exact same tech or equipment. and getting the exact same results...pretty much a lot of nothing....lol... at least before the youtube and tv craze everyone thought for themselves, tried unorthodox methods, and didnt rely on high tech pieces of rewired radios....lol. ive seen more than one "bigfoot" group talk for hours of all their encounters when they didnt even go more than 100 yards outside a state campground. ( of course most of these same people could hike any further than that in the first place...lol)..but now days every owl hoot is bigfoot. dont even get me started on the ones who claim coyote activity and every fallen tree has to be because of bigfoot also....lol.. my pet peeve isnt really with the equipment or the theories, but as you say, everyone taking them as the only truth and method of going about the activity. yes, think OUTSIDE the box and get out there and try to find the answers oneself.
My ideas have changed since coming to this forum. I incorporate different ideas for many things, but we cannot or possibly will not ever know for sure how it all works. I just follow what i feel as close to what makes sense.
I tend to lean into different theories at different times. My base beliefs in God haven't changed, but my view on his creation has grown. The quantum science and obvious UAPs give evidence to a bigger reality than we used to believe in.