Can "Anonymous" help take down ISIS?


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
Anonymous Launches 'Biggest Operation Ever' Against ISIS

Since launching #OpISIS in January, Anonymous has taken down 149 websites affiliated with the Islamic State and targeted 101, Twitter users and 5,900 propaganda videos.

OK, that's looking like a pretty good track record to me! The Doctor (our member here) says it will take a new way of doing things to bring ISIS down. I tend to believe him. With ISIS so proficient at using social websites and the internet, it may take hackers of a superior level to impact that communication network they have formed.

What do you think? Is this an important group who can make a dent in the structure of an evil organization like ISIS? Will it have a deep impact on them? Should the government be willing to support their endeavors?

What say you?
can they yes thing is its not going to be quick its a long term thing but yes I believe they can
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I want to believe that Anonymous can be helpful in a communications strike against ISIS. It will take a world-wide effort to take ISIS down with each country giving up some of its self interest for the good of all.
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Strange bedfellows indeed. I have a feeling that US Intel. types and the Anonymous crowd will be a little leery of each other. But hey, why not. Reminds me of Army Intel enlisting the help of the Sicilian Mafia during WW2, to sabotage Fascist ports, and then open them up in advance of the Allied invasion of Italy. Joe Friday, meet Penelope Cruz ;) (Criminal Minds computer whiz.)
Oh, one more thing. Does this mean Anonymous can also get a copy of Omusbros' college transcripts, Social Security Card, passport, and birth certificate?
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I won't discount Anonymous' strategy one bit. We haven't put forth one, unless you count that 'containment' thing. Working well ain't it? :eek:
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I won't discount Anonymous' strategy one bit. We haven't put forth one, unless you count that 'containment' thing. Working well ain't it? :eek:

yes oh so well ha
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