Brackney Inn ghost pic


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

BRACKNEY, Pa. (WBNG) — For years, many have known the Brackney Inn to be spooky with ghosts and spirits believed to be in the attic. Now, a picture taken of the second floor window has brought back those superstitions.

The Brackney Inn has been around for almost 170 years. Volunteers have been helping to clean up the rubble, after a fire destroyed the building last month.

One of the volunteers took pictures of the front of the inn and noticed something odd about one photo of the second floor window.

“He was kind of freaking out about the picture because it looked in one of the pictures like there was someone standing there,” said Brackney Inn owner Greg MacBlane.

The picture even spooked the other volunteers. They claimed they heard voices and weird sounds one night as they were working in the upstairs section.

“I never felt so, you know, something so much come inside of me to the point where every hair of my body was standing up,” said Matthew Hallick of the town of Binghamton.

The owner says a paranormal society has visited the inn before and captured sounds on tape of ghosts talking in the attic. Now he says this picture only makes him believe it more.
This one is not too clear. May be a trick if light