Book or Movie?


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
Many movies are adaptations of books. Frequently we'll hear, "The book was much better than the movie."

What are the best and/or worst big screen adaptations of books you've read?
They did a mini-series of "The Mists of Avalon", my favorite book. Although it started off OK, by the time they got to episode 3 they had gone so far off the book plot that it never delivered the intention or lessons in the book. I was very disappointed. Beautiful scenery and costumes, but it lost all meaning at the end.
I hate it when they slaughter a good story! One of Dean Koontz's books, "Hideaway," was completely ruined by making it into a movie.
Another one was a book by Sidney Sheldon, "Rage of Angels." They made it into a mini series and it was more a vehicle for the actors.
The worst movie adaptation I ever saw was "Catch-22." Great cast, but poor job of projecting the insanity of the story/characters. Best movie adaptation I saw was "Exodus." Another great cast, but the screen writers did a marvelous job of telling Uris' story about the creation of the modern state of Israel.
While I've never read it myself, the novelization of Jaws differs greatly from what was seen in theaters in a number of ways. Quint's death for example, was different. He was pulled under and drowned by one of his barrels instead of the more gruesome demise we saw.
I have to say I thought the Harry Potter movies did a good job of following the books. There was so much in the books that I was amazed at how good the movies actually were.
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