I knew...


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
I knew I was officially "old" when ____________


When a 20 something called me "Sweetie." I was flabbergasted! In my part of the world, this is usually shows patronizing affection for the young or feeble, LOL.
"sweetie" is not bad... i just get "sir" which throws me back a few years and without realizing it i automatically respond with "Dont call me Sir, I work for a living" but with a bad word or two thrown in, at which point i see the look of surprise on their face and think.."crap, flashbacks" ...........lol
Signed up for Medicare this morning.
ouch....lol.... i spent 3 hours at the docs last week to get examined and schedule a surgery. as im sitting in this center i notice everyone is over 65 except me....it then dawns on me, "dang it, it has begun, im at the old ppls doctor...." lol.
Not gonna. I will fight this as long as I can.

All kidding aside it kind of dawned on me a few times. One day on the job a guy that was a little older than me , maybe in his sixties, - we were up on a steep roof top and I was moving a little too fast. He said' "Slow down. We don't bounce anymore. We break."

Went and got a haircut last week and the barber showed me a bald spot.
"sweetie" is not bad... i just get "sir" which throws me back a few years and without realizing it i automatically respond with "Dont call me Sir, I work for a living" but with a bad word or two thrown in, at which point i see the look of surprise on their face and think.."crap, flashbacks" ...........lol
Oh, I didn't mean it was necessarily a bad thing, just that I used to work in healthcare with the geriatric population, and I used to wince when I heard one of my co-workers saying things like, "Just take it easy, sweetie, we will get you some water!" Or, "What do you want, sweetie?" We never, ever called each other sweetie. Or if a grandchild was visiting, they got the "sweetie" treatment too. So, I associate this with a sort of patronizing, but no harm done kind of a thing.
Oh, I didn't mean it was necessarily a bad thing, just that I used to work in healthcare with the geriatric population, and I used to wince when I heard one of my co-workers saying things like, "Just take it easy, sweetie, we will get you some water!" Or, "What do you want, sweetie?" We never, ever called each other sweetie. Or if a grandchild was visiting, they got the "sweetie" treatment too. So, I associate this with a sort of patronizing, but no harm done kind of a thing.
ahh, so its a flashback thing for you too....hmmm...maybe that in itself is a realization we are old....lol...you know youre old when you are unexpectedly thrown back to another lifetime
Only my body is old. Wife says I still act like a child.

My first grey hair appeared after my first wife told me she felt like a broken typewriter.

I was at my physically strongest in my mid-fifties, it started to really slide at about 58. I was all too aware of it, didn't need any surprises or rude awekening.

I do take great pride in pulling into a " Seniors Only" parking space at the pharmacy, rock & roll blasting.

That's right, people, the old folks listen to rock now! Lol.