Your Top Three


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
Actually, in South East Texas, no list of restaurants is realistic without at LEAST one Mexican Restaurant and one Vietnamese operated one. I like, when possible, to go to locally owned and operated restaurants over chains.
Actually, in South East Texas, no list of restaurants is realistic without at LEAST one Mexican Restaurant and one Vietnamese operated one. I like, when possible, to go to locally owned and operated restaurants over chains.
That is how I am too! You are both supporting small businesses over chain restaurant, and also getting that personal touch!
We are having supper from the local cafe tonight. They are going to try and open for take-out on Monday Wednesday and Friday. We miss them and will probably eat there once a week from now on until things level out. We also have a local pizza place that we support. Both places are not just good because they are local. they have the best food in the county. When you live in or near a small town with a population of 500 out in the country you learn to appreciate having a local place to go. Other wise it is a 50 mile round trip to go to eat.