Remote viewing/Psychic Energy


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
One of the topics last night on C2C was remote viewing. I've often compared it with psychic viewing of things, just with scientific protocol involved.

So, what say you? Are they using the same type of energy to do pretty much the same thing? What differences do you see between the two?
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Since I can do neither psychic or remote viewing, it's hard for me to say the differences with any real knowledge. I will say that to me psychic implies a connection with a person, remote with a place or an object.
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i think its the same energy used and ability, remote viewing, under guidance, I think is more clairvoyance, especially, when it comes to places or things,... a connection can be made with anything or anyone, how strong of a connection depends on the trigger objects, relationship, or focus... a link with another person makes it easier, someone you've had contact with is easier ( I would think) than going off a picture or a possession, article of clothing etc...but I do think the the energy used for either is the same, one is just more focused or guided to the solution / outcome....
I've often compared it with psychic viewing of things, just with scientific protocol involved.
I think that is exactly it. The problem for science has always been in determining the exact nature of these psychic experiences and the underlying processes that mediate them.

All we know is that under certain, but yet to be clearly defined and repeatable conditions, there seems to be a greater than chance ability for a subject to obtain information from the environment and in a way that cannot be explained by any current scientifically accepted means of doing so.

That's about as fuzzy as it gets and sums up the great parapsychological challenge.

And until parapsychologists can clearly define the 'what' and the 'how', mainstream science will refuse to accept these psychic experiences as authentic because they cannot be reliably replicated in the lab.

Remote viewing therefore represents to me the ongoing effort to understand these psychic experiences and processes in scientific terms and harness them in such a way as to make them useful.
I’m not a very prolific reader for pleasure - I’ve had to invest too much time reading for academic and professional reasons. But one thing which peaked my interest in the 90s, and caused me to do some extra reading for research, was Project Star Gate. That is one of the documented and leaked US projects which is reported to have studied and practiced remote viewing. I also attended a book signing for one of the partisans too where he spoke a bit about the project; of course, only enough to tease you to buy his book.

The one thing that surprised me about all of the texts I’d read was the lack of mention about any “feelings” which accompanied the psychic connections. This absence was strikingly missing because most (I’d estimate more than 70%) of the psychic messages I’ve received have included - or elicited in me - an emotional context.

Of course, the fact that the texts I’ve read about remote viewing lacked any overt mention of emotional context could also be purposeful. It’s not impossible that any recognized emotional aspects could have been excluded - or even redacted - in order to present a more clinical and sterile face to the studies.

However, so much of or many of my psychic experiences have been with connections to other humans rather than objects/places. And, I’m also an overly sensitive, emotional person anyway. My psychic perceptions containing emotions might just be artificially prejudiced by my own personal character.

So I get the perception that though remote viewing might work on a principle similar to other “receptive” psychic methods, I think they are more likely to be slightly different mechanisms. For example, and I’m not experienced in it, maybe remote viewing is a method of astral projection where info is not “received” but instead found via a very real act of retrieval.

One more point in hope of creating clarity and distinction. I perceive that I am essentially a “receptive psychic” - that my mind does not go looking for info but instead picks up on (or detects existence of) information passively. I could be very wrong of course; it could be that my lonely psyche does go wondering the halls of the Akashic Records or the grey matter of other peoples’ minds and I just haven’t recognized it yet.
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I’m not a very prolific reader for pleasure - I’ve had to invest too much time reading for academic and professional reasons. But one thing which peaked my interest in the late 90s, and caused me to do some extra reading for research, was Project Star Gate. That is one of the documented and leaked US projects which is reported to have studied and practiced remote viewing. I also attended a book signing for one of the partisans too where he spoke a bit about the project; of course, only enough to tease you to buy his book.

The one thing that surprised me about all of the texts I’d read was the lack of mention about any “feelings” which accompanied the psychic connections. This absence was strikingly missing because most (I’d estimate more than 70%) of the psychic messages I’ve received have included - or elicited in me - an emotional context.

Of course, the fact that the texts I’ve read about remote viewing lacked any overt mention of emotional context could also be purposeful. It’s not impossible that any recognized emotional aspects could have been excluded - or even redacted - in order to present a more clinical and sterile face to the studies.

However, so much of or many of my psychic experiences have been with connections to other humans rather than objects/places. And, I’m also an overly sensitive, emotional person anyway. My psychic perceptions containing emotions might just be artificially prejudiced by my own personal character.

So I get the perception that though remote viewing might work on a principle similar to other “receptive” psychic methods, I think they are more likely to be slightly different mechanisms. For example, and I’m not experienced in it, maybe remote viewing is a method of astral projection where info is not “received” but instead found via a very real act of retrieval.

One more point in hope of creating clarity and distinction. I perceive that I am essentially a “receptive psychic” - that my mind does not go looking for info but instead picks up on (or detects existence of) information passively. I could be very wrong of course; it could be that my lonely psyche does go wondering the halls of the Akashic Records or the grey matter of other peoples’ minds and I just haven’t recognized it yet.
You make some good points here, Wands. The idea of emotion being part of the psychic read is something I hadn't thought of, but I do think you are correct in that playing a part of the way we receive most info in psychic form. Especially those that are Clairsentient. It's a "knowing", complete with an emotional impact for me. Now, people often perceive things per their "clair" talents, so I wonder if that emotional impact differs with others who receive the info through different modes.
You make some good points here, Wands. The idea of emotion being part of the psychic read is something I hadn't thought of, but I do think you are correct in that playing a part of the way we receive most info in psychic form. Especially those that are Clairsentient. It's a "knowing", complete with an emotional impact for me. Now, people often perceive things per their "clair" talents, so I wonder if that emotional impact differs with others who receive the info through different modes.

Really great point and question. I hope other “clairs” will post their thoughts here for comparison and discussion.

(Those electronic posters might then be called “e-clairs” :p)
Really great point and question. I hope other “clairs” will post their thoughts here for comparison and discussion.

(Those electronic posters might then be called “e-clairs” :p)
Ha! Now I'm hungry.

But YES! If any of you with skills out there would care to chime in here, do you feel "emotion" when you receive through your abilities?
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You make some good points here, Wands. The idea of emotion being part of the psychic read is something I hadn't thought of, but I do think you are correct in that playing a part of the way we receive most info in psychic form. Especially those that are Clairsentient. It's a "knowing", complete with an emotional impact for me. Now, people often perceive things per their "clair" talents, so I wonder if that emotional impact differs with others who receive the info through different modes.

Debi, something else about emotions which I might have posted in the past - though not necessarily related to remote viewing - is sincerely hard to write in an intelligent way.

First, even though I can tell or distinguish the psychic message content as being “not related to me”, as in the message facts are from a third person, the related feelings almost always seem to feel genuinely my own. I can only recall maybe two times where the feelings I felt were clearly distinguishable as not being my own.

And in contradiction to that, most of the times/ways that I can recognize a psychic message is that the emotions which I feel with the message content are incongruous with how I was feeling at that moment in my non-psychic state. For example, if I receive some content and I suddenly feel acutely sad because of that content - but I was not already sad - then I earmark that content as being a “psychic message.”

Very hard to jive those two deep points above because the first indicates I feel the psychic feelings as if they are my own and in the second point I indicated that I compare the feelings to my real world state to make the decision that they are not my own but instead from a psychic message. No matter how contrary those points could sound, they are both completely true at the same time.
No matter how contrary those points could sound, they are both completely true at the same time.
I believe that may be because you are actually receiving in two modes....the clair mode and also as empath. It took me awhile to realize I was actually receiving in two different ways on incoming data, as I was also sometimes only getting something in one mode. But I've found that it can be both senses "reading" at once, not just one sense. (OK, did that just make sense to you? lol)