What's the riskiest thing you've ever done?


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

OK, open this link to see people jump without a parachute. Now, to me, that's just crazy nuts! But we've all done some risky things in our lives. Some might phrase this "What is the dumbest thing you've ever done!" lol
For me, as a teen, I used to drag race on the back roads with a few of the guys just to show them up. I think of that now and shiver!!! What WAS I thinking? Or not thinking??? Must have kept my guardian angel pretty busy with that.


So...what have you done to keep yours busy?
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Driving a Kawasaki 500 motorcycle 125mph on a country road for maybe two miles. The road was straight, but had a few dips and rises and side roads joining it. I definitely had someone looking after me.
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Driving a Kawasaki 500 motorcycle 125mph on a country road for maybe two miles. The road was straight, but had a few dips and rises and side roads joining it. I definitely had someone looking after me.
LOL Another one with the need for speed! :D
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Riskiest thing you've ever done? Oh, Debi, I assume you mean other than saying " I DO " right ? :)
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I get the feeling this thread will be interesting :D .I believe that I could write a novel on this topic, but I will post only one today.In my youth, I would risk my life as if I were indestructible never thinking that I could be injured, or killed ,and all for a laugh or to show off .Anyways, I was attempting to coat drywall in a stairwell that was 20 feet in height at the far end .In order to reach the ceiling at the 20 foot end I placed a extension ladder on the tall wall and used a wooden stretch plank to reach out from the upper floor to the ladder .Well it just wasn't tall enough for me to reach the ceiling ,so I strapped on a pair of stilts and proceeded to walk the plank .Half way out a stilt strap broke on my right stilt and the stilt immediately flipped out and the top of it stuck in the wall .So there I was balancing on one foot on a plank ( its amazing how quickly one can start to sweat when things like that happen ) I very carefully unbuckled from the other stilt and hopped down on to the plank .
I get the feeling this thread will be interesting :D .I believe that I could write a novel on this topic, but I will post only one today.In my youth, I would risk my life as if I were indestructible never thinking that I could be injured, or killed ,and all for a laugh or to show off .Anyways, I was attempting to coat drywall in a stairwell that was 20 feet in height at the far end .In order to reach the ceiling at the 20 foot end I placed a extension ladder on the tall wall and used a wooden stretch plank to reach out from the upper floor to the ladder .Well it just wasn't tall enough for me to reach the ceiling ,so I strapped on a pair of stilts and proceeded to walk the plank .Half way out a stilt strap broke on my right stilt and the stilt immediately flipped out and the top of it stuck in the wall .So there I was balancing on one foot on a plank ( its amazing how quickly one can start to sweat when things like that happen ) I very carefully unbuckled from the other stilt and hopped down on to the plank .
Holy crap! You could have killed yourself with that stunt! Yup...that angel was probably sweatin', too!!!
I get the feeling this thread will be interesting :D .I believe that I could write a novel on this topic, but I will post only one today.In my youth, I would risk my life as if I were indestructible never thinking that I could be injured, or killed ,and all for a laugh or to show off .Anyways, I was attempting to coat drywall in a stairwell that was 20 feet in height at the far end .In order to reach the ceiling at the 20 foot end I placed a extension ladder on the tall wall and used a wooden stretch plank to reach out from the upper floor to the ladder .Well it just wasn't tall enough for me to reach the ceiling ,so I strapped on a pair of stilts and proceeded to walk the plank .Half way out a stilt strap broke on my right stilt and the stilt immediately flipped out and the top of it stuck in the wall .So there I was balancing on one foot on a plank ( its amazing how quickly one can start to sweat when things like that happen ) I very carefully unbuckled from the other stilt and hopped down on to the plank .
Yikes, quite an athlete to do that.
In high school..
Third time on a bike
(My friend's family owned 3 Harley's)
We decided to take em out...
county black top...
racing...up to 95
forgot about the s curve
I hit it high....on the gravel shoulder in slow motion...slid through the corner....weaving...." my pants"... all of a sudden that bike would not hit anything over 35
EVERTIME still I go through that curve I feel really bad...sick to my stomach..(it is on my way to destination monthly ..)..40 years later
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