UFO'S over Chiliean Capitol


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy


Four unidentified objects were caught on camera over the Chilean capital a few days before Christmas.
One of the videos, which was recorded by a local woman and her family, shows the four objects hovering in formation over a tall building. At around thirty seconds in to the clip they can be seen moving off one at a time towards the right of the frame before disappearing.

A second recording made by a separate witness, which shows the same spectacle from a different angle, offers a clearer view of the objects and can be seen on YouTube - here.

The footage has generated some heated debate since appearing online with critics arguing that the objects could have been nothing more than drones or some other type of conventional aircraft.

So far however no definitive explanation for the sightings has been found.

Multiple UFOs filmed over Santiago, Chile - Unexplained Mysteries


What do you think? UFO's? Got another explanation?
Usually man made aircraft have flashing beacon lights. If I saw these lights, I would say that these are passenger planes far off in the distant lining up for a landing. This is a mystery to me.
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This happens every year! Why? This is the end of the graduation ceremony for pilots and co-pilots of T-35 Pillar propeller driven aircraft of the Chilean Air Force. This is a yearly event since 2003 and every year these videos come out.

Here is a video from 2013: https://www.youtube....h?v=XeyOdgKKq8E
Here is a video from 2012: https://www.youtube....h?v=iumaKgWc5wQ
Here is a video from 2012 of the parade: https://www.youtube....h?v=DPLND5uEChw
Here is a video from 2011: https://www.youtube....h?v=t9Pm9bsFixA
Here is a video from 2010 (with the explanation at the end in Spanish): https://www.youtube....h?v=TZO-PHJ4Jlw
Here is a video of the parade in 2010: https://www.youtube....h?v=YAlUlUUKTpY
Here is a video from 2008: https://www.youtube....h?v=QAkx9yJRqv0
Here is video from 2004: https://www.youtube....h?v=7rj18ORX5i8
Here is video from 2003: https://www.youtube....h?v=f0zwg-FNPrA