UFO Headline News


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UFO Headline News | Wednesday, November 29th, 2017

Headline #1: Sighting in Montgomery, Alabama on 2017-11-24

Synopsis: I was outside smoking about 10 pm and when looking up at the stars i noticed a brighter star moving very unusually back and forth the going straight before changing direction. i then started looking around the sky directly above head and noticed 20-25 of the objects. i can see orion’s belt and so i decided to use it as a point of reference, those stars remained stationary. it also appears that there are brighter ones accompanied by a smaller dimmer one each moving in tandem getting closer to each other then moving apart and then doing it again. some of the larger,brighter singular ones appear to be pulsating and moving in a very tight figure 8 formation. for lack of a better explanation i came to the conclusion that this was some type of “invasion” where these objects were taking up positions in the sky, the whole sky.

Headline #2: Black Triangle Sighting in Temple, Pennsylvania on 1995-04-20

Synopsis: I was out fishing with my father that evening, and we were returning home when noticed a super bright white light hovering across the street from our home–i would 100 to 150 feet away. we both initially thought it was a helicopter with a search lights. these lights were white and were arranged in a single row of three. they were so bright that you could only look at them directly for a very short period of time. also, because the lights were so bright you could not see the object that was emitting the light. we initially stopped our car on the road in front of our home and watched the lights from inside the car for about 5 minutes.

Headline #3: Interview with Rick Doty defends against liar claims

Synopsis: At first glance, Rick Doty seems like a likable guy. He has an approachable demeanor, he’s a proud family man and has no problem befriending UFO researchers/ complete strangers on Facebook. Doty’s name in the UFO community usually doesn’t elicit the aforementioned responses, rather it usually brings about one word; liar.

Headline #4: I-Team: Former military intelligence officer pursues supernatural phenomena

Synopsis: LAS VEGAS – Travel the world to exotic lands, commune with witchdoctors, psychics, and seers, and maybe chase down a few UFOs and mutilated cattle along the way. How does that sound for a job?

Headline #5: Close Encounters of the Third Kind: The UFO phenomenon

Synopsis: A cinematic marvel that inspired directors of the sci-fi genre, this month marks forty years since the release of Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It was also an integral component of the American UFO and abduction phenomenon in the late 20th century, which significantly increased public awareness and interest in extraterrestrial existence.
Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Maricopa, Arizona on 2017-11-25

Synopsis: Sitting inside our house watching tv around 9:15 pm, my dog went berserk. not an alert bark i have heard before, so i got up and went to check. with the camping lantern, i stepped out on to the porch and noticed a very bright light. we see alot of planes and flares over the bombing range, so i am used to seeing various lights in the sky. i first thought it might have been the front lights on a plane or search lights for border patrol. however, this light was larger than average and very bright white- it pulsated once making it a bit larger and shift into a more blue white color. it then shot upward, arcing slightly northward as it did so.

Headline #2: O Sighting in Saginaw, Michigan on 2017-11-24

Synopsis: i woke up at 4:11 a.M. and i heard noises outside. i went out to find it was my neighbor working on the interior of his home. as i was heading back in i looked up noticed how clear and bright the sky was with no clouds. thats when i noticed a light approaching from the norhteast. my first thoughts were that it was a shooting star but it was too slow for that and too fast for any satellite or aircraft thati know of. it was too high and covered too many miles to be any kind drone. as it past over my head it made roughly a 45 degree turn then straight for a second or two and then another 45 degree turn and straight again heading southeast never changing speed until i lost sight of it behind the street light glare from acrossed the street.

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Gainesville, Florida on 2017-11-23

Synopsis: I was getting in the car with 2 of my friends to go get lunch and we heard a helicopter. we thought it was the hospital’s helicopter at first but we spotted it and we knew that it wasn’t because it was black. (the hospital helicopters are orange and blue here): we were trying to spot another helicopter and we saw a plane. it looked as if it was just a commercial flight however. then we noticed the ufo hovering right above the tree tops and we knew something was wrong.

Headline #4: UFO SIGHTING BLACK Triangle Sighting in San Diego, California on 1976-10-28

Synopsis:while in the navy, onboard the uss racine lst 1191, i observed a very strange object while on watch at night. we had left san diego on our “westpac” tour on october 26, 1976, according to the itinerary in my ship’s cruise book. it was two days out from when we left, so i believe the date was october 28, 1976. our ship had departed alone without the convoy, due to mechanical repairs. i was on the night watch on the rear of the ship, stationed to report any objects (contacts) to the bridge over the headphone set. it was late at night, dark, and there were no lights or objects to report to the bridge.


Synopsis: On the morning of April the 6th, 1966, the Australian city of Melbourne was visited by an unknown, or at least unfamiliar, object, or objects. The then-outer suburb of Westall was, apparently, a sort of “ground zero” for the aerial oddity(s), where it made an approach to the ground, or, actually landed. Much has been made of the Westall UFO incident, and here is not the place to rerun the generally accepted narrative.
These things have been in our sky’s for a long time. They don’t seem to care that we see them.