Time slips

Naked Apple

Anam Cara
Aug 22, 2013
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Occasionally, there are people who have what can best be described as a time slip- a momentary lapse from one reality to another. One minute they are going about their regular day, then for a few minutes are either in another place or another year, then just as quickly back to their regular lives.

What is your opinion on these experiences? Are people imagining things, having hallucinations, are there really alternate dimensions that bleed through to this one momentarily or any other explanations?

A time slip is a paranormal phenomenon in which a person, or group of people, seem to either travel through time via unknown means, or appear to briefly enter an alternate version of present reality via unknown means. As with other paranormal phenomena, the objective reality of such experiences is disputed by skeptics.

Cases of Time Slips


A white Ford pickup pulled up to cattle pasture near Ponca City, Oklahoma, in early Fall 1971, and stopped at a gate. Karl, Mark, and Gordon worked for cattle feed distributor and were sent to this remote area to pick up a feeder. What they found there has kept them silent for 41 years.

“We opened the gate, which was barbed wire with no lock, and entered,” Karl said. “We went on the property, which was covered with grass up to and over the hood of the truck.”

They drove through the tall grass to the tank that sat close to a red barn and got out of the truck.

“We realized the tank was almost half full and too heavy to load,” Karl said. “We decided to leave and drove around the red barn and we saw a large, two story white house, with no lights in front of us.”

The trio drove back to the cattle feed company and the boss said he’d drain the tank and they could pick it up tomorrow.

“We went to the location to retrieve the tank the next night,” Karl said. “This time we decided to go through the old white big house on the hill and brought our shotguns.”

They drove onto the property over the path they’d made through the grass the day before and loaded the tank. Then they pulled around the barn toward the house. What they saw burned into their memories.

“It was no longer there,” Karl said. “We walked up the hill where it stood and there were no signs of demolition, no foundation, nothing at all. What we all seemed to witness the night before was no longer there. We have talked to each other over the years but none of us can begin to explain this vision.”

Did these men witness a slip in time?

Time slips have been reported throughout history. English women vacationing in France in 1901 claimed they stepped into the French Revolution, and two English couples traveling in Spain in the 1970s stayed at an oddly archaic hotel that was simply gone on their return journey.

Physicists like Albert Einstein, Michio Kaku and Stephen Hawking have all said time travel is theoretically possible; our science just can’t achieve it. But what if nature can?

I think they are totally possible. I buy into the idea that everyone in existing at the same time - that there isn't a past or future, that everything exists right in one continuous moment. This explains 'history repeats itself' phenomenon. I also think that we are all 'dreaming' in the cosmic conscious & that's why we can't seem to explain anything or understand anything outside of these super elementary baby babble concepts & why barely anyone can get on the 'same page' because none of us are in the same 'dream' - so time slips? Why not. If time is a man made construct it's not an actual control.

I think I might have experienced a time slip with my step dad. We would go for drives sometimes to get away & once we passed by this old antique store in a barn. He turned the truck around & we went in & were browsing around and found an ouija board from the 20's - we bought it & left. A few weeks later we are planning on going back. My step dad has a brilliant photographic memory for navigation. We couldn't find it. Where it should have been there was nothing but an empty old field. Undisprupted growing grass. We didn't understand what we experienced & we spent a lot of time trying to find it. We still have no explanation- and everyone just thinks him crazy. But this is a man who drives around for a living & navigates the woods for a living & has been doing it before GPS. We just can't explain it. We found the location the exact location but there was just no barn...everything else the same. He still has the ouija board...& that thing is another story.
Lots of accounts of such things, so I believe they're possible. We really have no idea how time works, after all. There are those who believe that everything there has been, is, or will be was created in one moment. If that is true then all of time is happening simultaneously, and time slips could be explained as paths of time crossing each other.
I've had an episode of "missing" time during the UFO sighting, but I don't know if that's the same as an actual time "slip". More like wiped memory?

I've also had that disjointed time experience that I recently talked about. I saw things in "frames", like you might see if you were flipping a card deck slowly or like a cartoon slowed down frame by frame. Really weird experience which led me to wonder if it's connected to our perception of reality. Does our "receiver", the brain, add the element of "time" to our perception of this reality?
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