That sound...


Sep 16, 2013
Reaction score
South of Indy
What do you miss that you used to hear?


What do you miss that you used to hear?

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Not so much a noise or a sound, but i enjoyed the peace and quiet of other places i lived. Many times than not, you could stand outside and just hear the rustle of wind through the trees and distant whippoorwills. Now, that quiet also allowed you to hear other stuff in the woods around my old neighborhood so, that wasn't fun lol. Where i live now, it is quite noisy with constant cars, motorcycles, very loud kids playing, localized firework extravaganzas and just flat out noisy people that could care less about anyone but themselves. I get it. Life is life and you can't have total quiet in a very populated place. I guess growing up in the literal 'sticks', you tend to appreciate those little things. So, i deal with the nonsense till it seriously crosses the lines that shouldn't be. Late at night though, you can still hear those whippoorwills and owls, so there are perks ;bg2
Not when I was growing up but I miss the sound of my kids playing and laughing. I used to tell them to shut up at times :disappointed: but I haven't learned, I still say the same to the grandkids. Cranky old *******.
Some of the city streets in NJ were paved with bricks, and I loved the rumbling sound of the tires as we drove over them. The sound of a rotary phone being dialed, and the sound of coins being dropped in a pay phone.