Strange Walk

Almost reminds me of the sensation of running while dreaming. It is nothing like running while awake and feels wrong. Speed is highly increased though your feet don't seem to be keeping up. Truly strange experience Oz.
Almost reminds me of the sensation of running while dreaming. It is nothing like running while awake and feels wrong. Speed is highly increased though your feet don't seem to be keeping up. Truly strange experience Oz.
I used to dream of being chased and would be running fast but only going at snails pace with something catching up fast, the dream always ended as I was caught.
I've had those dreams where I am walking, and then am suddenly gliding along just above the ground.
I have a friend that swears she used to start walking then glide down her hall as a kid. She feels that she was awake during this. Thanks for reminding me garnet, I've only heard of this off her before.
maybe its a break in the matrix...(the "matrix" being lifes possibilities). .in dreams we get a glimpse of what is possible but in the awakened state we just cant break through, be it what we are taught, believe, the ruling "program" etc.....but every so often someone is able to set a new record or perform a new feat, experience what shouldnt be allowed....... we have to convince ourselves anything is possible, theres a "program" for everything, we just have to tap into that reality....... sorry, just throwing stuff out mind/useless thoughts....
...... we have to convince ourselves anything is possible, theres a "program" for everything, we just have to tap into that reality
My old grandad was a simple type of man, a fitter and turner with little formal education. He was also way before his time with an interest in space and paranormal. He always said to me your mind is capable of anything, even walking through a brick wall with the right mindset. I loved and believed everything he said and I still have a slightly broken nose today, lol. I still do believe his theory.
My old grandad was a simple type of man, a fitter and turner with little formal education. He was also way before his time with an interest in space and paranormal. He always said to me your mind is capable of anything, even walking through a brick wall with the right mindset. I loved and believed everything he said and I still have a slightly broken nose today, lol. I still do believe his theory.