Soul Seeking ET's?

Wasn't it John Lear who claimed there was an alien built soul harvesting apparatus on the Moon?
Wasn't it John Lear who claimed there was an alien built soul harvesting apparatus on the Moon?
I think it was John, yes. I know at one point Whitley Streiber also brought up that theory.
do you think no one, or very few at least, will touch this theory is because it crosses too far into the religious field of demons and such? that the majority of ufo hunters are solid on the ideas that they are flesh and blood organisms of an advanced civilization. crossing into this theory opens up doors that step on so many toes at so many levels its unimaginable as to where to even start.
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do you think no one, or very few at least, will touch this theory is because it crosses too far into the religious field of demons and such? that the majority of ufo hunters are solid on the ideas that they are flesh and blood organisms of an advanced civilization. crossing into this theory opens up doors that step on so many toes at so many levels its unimaginable as to where to even start.
I agree with you. Although I'm hearing this idea circulating more lately, or forms of it at least.