Scientist says we're dealing with aliens

Yeah, I saw that last night. What's odd is there is nothing about the guy that doesn't point back to the news story. My friend made that point, and last night I went looking myself. No LinkedIn, Wiki, etc. Nothing in IDF, academic, or space sites that I could find. Granted the Israelis are known to be secretive about their personnel.
Also noted this morning NBC corporate news is carrying the story, but not the BBC, NYT, or Washington Post.
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And Nick Pope is now weighing in...

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Let's see, if true, ( and I say that with a smile ) then a far more advanced race with permission to conduct experiments here, said to keep it quiet, and he says, " nah, I'm telling everyone " ... He's a very brave, not to mention he just blew whatever security clearances he's ever or will ever hold, his career in any future high level field just came to an end. And there's probably going to be a long vacation awaiting him in a not so nice, unheard of If he is real and starts doing interviews or writes a book it's probably all a hoax, if he completely disappears unexpectedly, well then I'll have to say, " hmmmm "
Playing devil's advocate here, this brings to mind the recent appearance on Coast of Retired Air Force Major George Filer III. Similar in age, similar storyboard. At the very end of his interview with Connie Willis, he made a very similar claim.
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Playing devil's advocate here, this brings to mind the recent appearance on Coast of Retired Air Force Major George Filer III. Similar in age, similar storyboard. At the very end of his interview with Connie Willis, he made a very similar claim.
Yes he did, but he said he'd been told that as opposed to knowing that. Same with Paul Hellyer, he's made similar claims, again based on things he's heard. The expression "Galactic Federation" has been thrown around since the 1950s, as I recall one of the early "contactees" coined it. It became more popular after "Star Trek."