Rothschild Conspiracy: Do you buy it?

You have given me many things to consider. I wasn't aware of these kinds of thinking as far as ET influence goes.

I was once told 'take what serves you & leave the rest.' So I look at everything with an open mind first too.
The movie The Matrix is also supposed to have a lot of truth in it. Reptilians (and demons) are said to feed from the energies of fear and pain. As long as humans can keep being made to feel afraid, there is an endless source of "food".
I think the Illuminati is out in the open..Banksters etc..The powers that be that direct the course of history are right out in front of us..No secret What we do in response changes history.
I know they want the NWO as one admitted to it. Saying if its a crime to wanting a NWO then he is guilty and not ashamed. Along those lines i guess. The faster America shuts down the central banking and goes back on the gold standard the better we will be, unfortunately i dont ever see that happening. The last president to try that was assassinated.
If there is any sort of global conspiracy of elites like the Illuminati, Rothschilds, Templars, NWO, etc. that are controlling the world for their own nefarious ends, I have no fear of them as according to almost every theory I've been exposed to; they have proven to be the most incompetent, bumbling, indecisive and mis-managed group of idiots I've ever heard of.

Sure, you've got big business, banks, and governments all in cahoots to help each other out - I won't deny that. In fact, it's out in the open for all to see (ie: Wall Street bail-outs, corporate subsidies, unfair tax loopholes for businesses).

But most BIG Theories to me are just garbage stories that make zero sense. So yeah, if one of these groups exists and attempts to pull off even half of the stupid schemes that people try to convince me they do, I'm not losing sleep over it.
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I'm not into it, but it sure makes Alex Jones money. But if there WAS anything like this, you could bet your bottom dollar that banking/money markets would be where you'd find such people.
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