Purpose of Life ?


Paranormal Trooper
Jul 29, 2015
Reaction score
Virginia, USA

It is perhaps the biggest question of them all: What is the purpose of life? It led Fyodor Dostoyevsky to proclaim that it is about “finding something to live for,” it prompted Kurt Vonnegut to say, “I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don’t let anybody tell you different,” and it called for Karl Pilkington to posit, “There isn’t a meaning of life, or if there is don’t worry about it, you’re here now, get on with it! It does my head in!” All of which are valid, but the more opinions you can get on this sort of thing, the better.

George Harrison said (among other things) " The answer is how to get peace of mind and how to be happy that’s really what we’re supposed to be here for."
I don't know if there is a purpose but some take life too seriously. I think the secret is to be happy while we are here. The poem by Rudyard Kipling, You'll be a man my son is a good pattern to live by, for me anyway and cheers me up in dark times.
Moving house today and going to my new place tomorrow. When all my gear had gone I got a great sense of freedom, like a great burden had been lifted. I realized this in some way this is what it's like when we take our final trip. Our soul needs no possessions, it is free and without worry. Things mean nothing, though we need them here to survive while in our body. But love is the only thing that remains so I'm going to say love is our purpose for living.