Medieval Cemetery Unearthed

How long does it take for a grave robber to be called an archaeologist?
I asked our resident archaeologist, T-Bob, for an answer to that! Here it is...

To be an archaeological site it has to be 50 years old. But grave robbing is grave robbing, and graves are protected by law, prehistoric, historic, or recent.
What stands out to me is the odd positions of the bodies being buried. Some cultures have been known to bury the deceased in a standing up position; I read this in the Tibetan Book of the Dead.
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Strange how the burial site is described as mysterious. People have been burying/burning the dead for a very very long time. These sites were gathering places to mourn and or celebrate passed loved ones and varied depending on the proximity to populated areas. Digging up these places to me was always bad muju. Leave the dead alone regardless of the artefacts (artifacts) that could be found. While peering into past civilizations is tempting and eye opening, respecting their resting place(s) should be first and foremost.
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