Jellyfish UAP on Military Base/Update

looks like an imperial probe droid.......:)

Wow is that a real thing ?! Is it ours ? What does it do?
its not real, its from th starwars franchise.... but people have made drones in the likeness, and helium, and helium / drone combinations... i think theres an RC version available as well now.
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Wouldn't it be great if we were invaded by actual space jelly fish and they would attach their tentacles to our heads and suck our brains out! Then they'd sit on our heads like hats, and wear us.
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So this Army aviator with expertise with this IR system thinks this is balloons.

The video was shot in Oct 2018 in Iraq according to Corbell. Several (5-9) weeks earlier on 22 Aug, (depending on exact date video was shot in Oct,) the Iraqis (and Muslim the world in general) celebrated one of the holy, most holidays/festivals of the Muslim faith, Eid-al-Adha. Guess what holiday is celebrated with specialized balloons?

Credit where credit is due, the specialty balloons were found and posted by an individual on another site.