Do We Get More Conservative With Age?

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In my case, most certainly, although to be honest I was never anything that would even approach "bleeding heart". It's easy to be more liberal as a younger person because, for the most part, someone else is paying your way. It isn't until you become an adult responsible for your own survival that you begin to learn exactly what liberalism is. When you realize that all the programs that liberals espouse are paid for by money that is taken from your pocket, you see exactly how unfair the whole idea is. For all the lofty goals and flowery terms used to describe the philosophy, at the core it is a system that takes from one group and gives to another, in an effort to cultivate a loyal base of voters for the Democrat party. Uneducated, unmotivated and taught that government is there to provide for them, very few ever escape the system. The older I get, the more conservative I become.
This is a good synopsis of my thoughts too Surge. Liberals, who lean toward distribution of wealth (Socialism) think everyone deserves the same as everyone else. That is a wonderful idea maybe in Utopia, but Utopia doesn't exist. The only thing that more social programs breed is more reliance and dependence on more and more assistance. All the programs originally had good intent, but like anything, they have all been abused and are totally out of control. Like my favorite saying goes,

"The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever. Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us to "Please Do Not Feed the Animals". Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves."

Distribution of wealth only rewards the lazy, and takes away the drive to work harder for those that do work. Why work harder when the government is just going to tax the heck out of you to give it to some illegal immigrant family who are not even citizens, for their food assistance, housing assistance, free medical, etc.

I know a lot of people that are left-leaning who finally move right too, who see the continual hypocrisy of the left in so many areas too. Actors and musician types are the worst offenders here. The rich liberal Hollywood types are always bashing the right, and yet they live extravagantly while hating capitalism, are staunch anti-gunners - with armed bodyguards and or guns of their own, claim to be green - while flying around the world in private jets with humongous carbon footprints, etc.

I better stop there.
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a couple of f-bombs (sorry) but exactly the way I feel. When I was a younger ,i would give my shirt off my back to help i am like this. Age has a way of wearing you down and hardening your heart.
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