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Well, Obamacare just made Norco and Vicodin a Schedule II drug. I now have to sign a "pain contract" to show I am not going to abuse my meds and be available if called for a pill count and pee in a cup. Also, scripts can only be written for 3 months on refills, and you must see your doctor to get a new script. They cannot call it in to a pharmacy, either. It has to be a hard copy in hand which means I'm paying each time I have to now appear at the office.

Now, as I'm signing this contract, my doctor, who is a friend, is not only apologizing to me for having to do this to keep himself out of trouble, he's also lecturing me to take MORE pills because I often allow pain to get ahead of me and try not to take them unless absolutely necessary. Yup, perfect sense. All this is going to do is make it harder for those who truly need the medication to get it and, BTW, the cost just went from $7 a script to $40 copay cuz the insurance company decided to get it's fair share out of this. Meanwhile, out on the street, the stuff flows freely and this will have zero impact on it.

Thus my campaign for a natural solution.
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Maybe you could grow some...tomato plants...with red Christmas ornaments

Still think that was brilliant !
You just don't know how close I came this year!
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Well, Obamacare just made Norco and Vicodin a Schedule II drug. I now have to sign a "pain contract" to show I am not going to abuse my meds and be available if called for a pill count and pee in a cup. Also, scripts can only be written for 3 months on refills, and you must see your doctor to get a new script. They cannot call it in to a pharmacy, either. It has to be a hard copy in hand which means I'm paying each time I have to now appear at the office.
Your shipment of meds is here courtesy of Obamacare (Sorry, couldn't resist! To think I voted for him twice.).

Your shipment of meds is here courtesy of Obamacare (sorry, couldn't resist! To think I voted for him twice.)

LOL! I only made the mistake the first round. He sure can talk a good story. Too bad he hasn't kept ONE promise that he made back then! And I'm sure he has no problems getting HIS "meds."
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Absolutely! You know the new drug my hubs was just prescribed? $500 a month for 60 little pills. My Advair is $300 a month. We're good for 6 months on Part D until we run into the donut hole then have to pay out of pocket 75% of the actual cost per month. And they want to know why old people eat cheap dog food....
LOL! I only made the mistake the first round. He sure can talk a good story. Too bad he hasn't kept ONE promise that he made back then! And I'm sure he has no problems getting HIS "meds."
Why did this poor man get impeached again?

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Don't get me started. The United States of America is literally no longer an actual democracy. When the rich and special interest groups are responsible for more of the elections than the actual voters you know what you have? An oligarchy. Super fun. So if you want to have a voice, become a millionaire and contribute your super pac dollars to campaigns who will ensure the best "candidate" to accommodate your interests gets the job. Ew. I hate government.
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