Art Bell Quits Midnight In The Desert

For those of you still following the drama, this is from AB's FB page last night. It refers to the other forum.

Well it was a hard lesson to learn but I have learned it, I have decided to stay away from the poison wells of Trolls and so has Heather. That place that was once filled with what we thought were friends now sadly is just filled with blind evil, people who create lies and then find ways to build on them. So no more. There
Is too much real life to live. I understand that many of you have no idea what I am talking about, be thankful you don't. Anyway it's a beautiful day!
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They finally put a face to the name.


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So...... anyone listening to Art tonight?
Good to see you again, Ghost. I have addressed this before, and I'll explain it again.

This forum is no longer associated with MITD, Art Bell, et al. My reasons are pretty simple.

Many people put a lot of time, energy and finances into supporting his dream to "come back"....again. This forum was one of them. Even when we were associated with Art, he snubbed this forum in favor of his favorite "child." When he pulled the plug...again...there were other ways he could have handled that situation and not taken down an entire empire in the doing and still protect his family. He was focused only how he felt, not how others might be affected. He put an unknown, untried, had not earned the seat person into his place and expected everyone to support her because he said so. Now he's admitting to COPD, which he had to have had at the time he started this whole new endeavor. The disease does not just get that bad that quick to impact him now as much as he says it does unless it was already progressed prior to the start date of the show. He has also gone pretty political as of late, and that is not part of the paranormal. Although we run one political thread, it is not the focus of our forum.

This forum, and it's regular members, made the decision to move on. We give Art credit for all he's accomplished in the past, but we are no longer following him or the drama that has become MITD. We wish him well with his family and his illness, but it's time for a new vision with new voices....without the drama. All are welcome on our forum as we move forward in that regard and find a fresh perspective to look at the world of the paranormal.
I'm completely over it.
I gave her a listen a few times but, ffs, she's terrible.
I'm sick of Art and Keith pimping her, as well.
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