Are you a Time Traveler?

I am a Time Traveler! I signed up after the first show. Listened to it and was disappointed that the Paranormal News wasn't included in the playbacks. #
Redacted (Heather Wade) had interviewed Art the day before the test show, (if memory serves, will put a link up at the end of this post) building up the whole how cool it is to have the Paranormal news at the bottom of the hour.

I emailed Keith and asked if the paranormal news is included in the playbacks.
I didn't think it was fair that I'm supporting a show that people who listen to it live and don't pay can listen to the Paranormal News. Whereas, I couldn't.

Keith emailed me back and well, needless to say I wasn't impressed with his reply. So... I kindly made a little stink (it was just stinky enough to get my point the other place.)

A day or two days later, the Paranormal News was and still is on the playbacks:)

That's my story!
(Redacted interviews Art Bell).
HOPE: Thanks for your efforts. I listen to mostly the archived/time traveler recordings. I have briefly listened to the live broadcast, but its too late for my patterned life. - MICHAEL -
I use streamwriter to record the show live, as I'm sleeping at that time. I record the show because it's much easier and already on my computer (If I remember to set it right the night before) - When my direct recording fails, then I use the archives as a backup.
HOPE: Thanks for the tip on streamwriter. I will search for it and try a recording. If it pans out, I will do as you do and use the archive as a backup. - MICHAEL -
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