Anyone ever heard of cryptids that frequent sewers or drains?


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Jan 25, 2017
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Back in the late '80s and early '90s when I was just a little kid, there was this park across the street from one of my best friends' houses. It was the same neighborhood I lived in, but his house was 2 houses south of mine, and to the east a few houses. Well I guess that's not important. It had a storm drain/sewer opening in the park on the edge of the park on the west. Anyway, one night I was sleeping over at his house. We were camping in the front yard, or at least we planned to until this. He and his brother had a tree right outside their bedroom window that they would climb.

He and his brother had told me a few times that they had seen a creature coming out of the park that could run really fast. Well anyway, this night we were climbing his tree after the sun went down but there was still a little light left. We were sitting on a limb above their bedroom window when I saw something moving in the park. It was far away, but it looked big. I grabbed my friend and told him to look over there. He got all excited and said that was it. Then his brother told us to shut up and be quiet or it would hear us. They were scared, and so I started getting scared, because I figured they knew it more than I did, and we were kids. I had only heard them say they saw it a few times. Seeing it myself, though, was totally different. Now I knew they weren't lying.

All I could see it doing was walking around close to the ground, hunched over, sniffing the ground. Then it ran in the direction of the sewer, and I never saw it again.

As we got into our early teenage years, and we were a little braver, we went into the sewer in the park several times. We'd sort of pretend that was our hideout. We had forgotten about the creature by that time. We had explored it a fair amount with MagLites, but there was this one section that seemed to go on forever. I wanted to go as far as I could, but there was a colony of bats in this one area that I could never get brave enough to go past.

Well anyway, one day we went in there to spray some graffiti, when we heard this god-awful sound. It was far away in the sewer, and it was the worst moan/roar I'd ever heard in my life. We got the **** out of there real fast. Because of that, I've never been back in there. Sometimes I would swear I'd hear something or see something from down in the gutter in the curb in the side of the street. It's the kind you could get your bike tires stuck in, but the curb also comes up a little ways, so that a skinny kid could fit down there. Sometimes I could swear I thought I saw eyes in the gutter from my living room window in the evenings.

I've heard of all these cryptids, and even all the weird versions of Bigfoot and various squatches, but I've never once heard of a cryptid that lived in the sewer. I've heard of giant alligators in sewers, giant snakes in sewers, etc., but never anything like this.

Has anyone ever heard of, or do you know of any that are known or rumored to go down in sewers or drains?

I've long wondered this, but have never found any info on it.
Whenever I hear stories about storm sewers/drains I think of Stephen King's "It". A movie I still cannot watch again to this day. Once was enough to creep me out for life, thank you!

If a cryptid is truly physical, of this dimension, and of an animal nature, it would make sense this could be the perfect hiding place to make a home away from humans. It's also possible things such as raccoons, cats, etc. could be the eyeballs peeking over the edge. I happen to live in the middle of nowhere, and eyeballs from the woods at night are pretty much a nightly thing around here.

As for actual cryptid from the storm drain stories, I've not heard any specifically of this type before.
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The drain system would be a convient place to hide in a populated area, it would also allow it to live close to food sources like dumpsters etc. can you give us any more description details ?
It stood and trotted on its hind legs as well as all fours. It was scary.
It sounds like a wolf man. People expierencing them report an instinctual fear of them. Glad you didn't come in contact with it. I wonder if there were reports of missing pets in the area.
Well, it does have to eat. And I can't see something of that size living on plant life.
Unless it's anorexic.

But yeah, that's just scary...pets getting eaten. I'm just surprised no kids have been attacked by it, but then again that was nearly 30 years ago. At the age I was back then, I probably wouldn't have known if any were.
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