Anti-American Psychology


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
I ran across an opinion piece yesterday by Dr. Keith Ablow. It's a short two minute read, but it has been ringing in my head and heart as truth. If I'm correct, and this is indeed true, it's frightening for the future of our country. It's not a Democrat/Repub kind of deal. It's a mind set of our President and may have brought us to the world we now see around us. Please take two minutes to read and let me know what you think. True? Not? Is it treasonous? And can we/should we take measures such as impeachment? Don't forget...Biden is in the wings...
Yes, I agree he has to go, but who will replace him? There are very few politicians who WON'T continue to destroy the country. Any who would try to get rid of all the corruption will be shot in the head like Kennedy. Except these days the CIA "suicides" people or arranges car "accidents".
Yes, I agree he has to go, but who will replace him? There are very few politicians who WON'T continue to destroy the country. Any who would try to get rid of all the corruption will be shot in the head like Kennedy. Except these days the CIA "suicides" people or arranges car "accidents".

If a guy from the outside is so easily corrupted, the ones who have spent their lives as rulers(not public servants) would only be smarter and not get caught. I am sorry, for the attitude, but given where this nation has been taken for the last several decades, by both parties, the only hope is someone like Ventura. But given the congress, there would be little even Ventura could do. For he would not use executive orders, and he would have an entrenched system of power that would no cooperate and would just lock things up and wait for his term to run out, or for him to be assassinated by the oligarchs.

I don't think for a moment that Obama hates America. I do think he has a European-esque type vision for America. The report on his mental condition would have been more believable if it were not written by a FOX person. Since Fox is the propaganda arm of the conservatives, and the other MSM are the propaganda arms for the liberals, you really can't believe much either side says, for they will spin the facts to make the facts appear like they are supporting their particular ideological beliefs. Please, don't trust anything you hear on any of these big corporate owned media outlets. They are part and parcel of this oligarchy, and they strive hard to keep americans divided, for in the fighting that comes from division, they can get away with murder. Americans are too busy fighting one another, to pay much attention.
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And can we/should we take measures such as impeachment? Don't forget...Biden is in the wings...
Impeachment will never happen, IMO. Obama is the gift that keeps on giving as far as the Republicans are concerned, and if they win back the White House in 2016, like Obama has blamed everything on Bush, they will blame all their failings on Obama. It's like Ouroborus, except with politicians instead of a snake.

I think there is another component as well, that many people don't want to acknowledge. If Obama were impeached, every person who voted to do it would be painted by by the media as racists. That's a stink that even politicians don't want on them.

And then, as you said, there is the impeachment policy taken out by Obama, aka Joe Biden.