AI girlfriends are ruining an entire generation of men

I agree with Lynne. When I used to belong to a forum for adults on the spectrum, there were always young men complaining about being lonely. When other members urged them to get out and mingle with people and stop spending so much time on the computer, they got offended. ;ss
My answer to all this is "the world has gone insane." I'm with Lynne on this one. Bypassing communication with real people and fixing a relationship by healing it together as a couple seems to have become passe'. Give me the good old days, thanks.
The rise of virtual artificial intelligence (AI) girlfriends is enabling the silent epidemic of loneliness in an entire generation of young men. It is also having severe consequences for America’s future.

How is something that seems so ridiculous — a virtual AI girlfriend — causing a future crisis among Americans? Well, with millions of users, apps have created virtual girlfriends that talk to you, love you, allow you to live out your erotic fantasies, and learn, through data, exactly what you like and what you don’t like, creating the “perfect” relationship.

These virtual girlfriends can even be based on real people. One influencer created an AI bot of herself named Caryn, then gained over 1,000 users (i.e. real boyfriends) in less than a week and a waitlist of more than 15,000 people.

An AI girlfriend might sound enticing. You get to connect with a super hot girl who listens to you and appreciates you, 24/7. Beyond choosing physical attributes, down to the size of her rear end, you can pick her personality. You prefer “hot, funny, and bold”? That’s what she will be. Or if “cute, shy, and modest” is more your cup of tea, she’s got you covered.

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That is pretty sad actually. There is no way an AI is going to replace intimacy. You can't wake up on a cold morning and snuggle with your phone or computer lol. To feel the touch of your significant other far supersedes any warm words from a box.
That is indeed a sad concept! I am supposing that these AI creations are so desirable to certain people because they don't argue, ask for emotional support, or any other human behavior. They will only be more lonely in the long run! OTOH, I used to talk to my dolls.
That is indeed a sad concept! I am supposing that these AI creations are so desirable to certain people because they don't argue, ask for emotional support, or any other human behavior. They will only be more lonely in the long run! OTOH, I used to talk to my dolls.
This is just a new take on a Stepford Wife. No talking back, cater to one's every need, become the perfect mate.