7-22-2017 Saturday Live Chat Thread

Connie has been on a live jag the last two days with pretty much trivial stuff. She's gonna wear that little alarm out for live stream.
Well, gentlemen of the Movie Squad....well done! Good choices, good trivia, and as Critter says, good company.
I'm going to head out for the evening as more storms are running around out there and I think Mr. Bird is tired out now.
Glad you and Mr. Bird had a good time with it.
Thanks, Bob. Since he doesn't get out, this kind of gives him something to shoot for during the week!
I'm going to head out for the evening as more storms are running around out there and I think Mr. Bird is tired out now.

Thanks, Bob. Since he doesn't get out, this kind of gives him something to shoot for during the week!
Shazam, Sleep well.............Catch you tomorrow evening.
See you guys tomorrow! I'll be around for some chat tomorrow night.