6-26-2017 MONDAY Live Chat Thread

He's the 3rd assistant manager to come thru during my tenure
I've been all day with therapists
He had this awful rap music playing, the main line wasnt set up... This new assistant probably wont be around long.. but we'll see LOL
Rap? Yeah...way to make customers flee! lol
Do you guys have a "normal" music pick that is played or preferred by management?
we have our own normal in store music. it's played loud anyway...
for single young adults its a good dip of the feet into management.. beyond that, forget it
shoot no. They actually only make less than a buck more an hour than i do, but are required to work 5 12's
Ohhhh, nope! Not the job ya want for sure!!!

How's your daughter enjoying her summer?
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Ohhhh, nope! Not the job ya want for sure!!!

How's your daughter enjoying her summer?
bored already of course. No, she's having a good time off. Coming up next month my wife decided to switch her schedule to days, and is expecting me to try to accommodate that so Emily isn't home alone while we are both at work. Bzzt on that one.