3-19-2024 Tuesday Live Chat

... but I still DO use:

- film cameras
- non-microwave ovens
- non-"smart" phones
- mechanical wristwatches
- vitamins/supplements
- TV antenna
I have them too but I find I don't use them much. I wear a watch still and use the microwave for heating water for tea.
Good Tuesday morning, all

Spring comes in at 11 : 06 pm today
Good Morning PNF ;)
Hi gang! Flying through to drop off a piece or two of content. Check out the podcast I found, Project Doorway. I think Lynne and crux might find it of interest.

Dang, it's a chilly start to Spring for sure out there!

BTW, anyone here familiar with cooking with an invection range/stove? Seems that is what is at the new house, it's brand new, and it's a brand new way of cooking for me. Input if ya got it!

I had a zoom call last week and there were two people from Florida, both wearing sweaters and saying how cold it was. Their temperature was 68 degrees. I felt awful, I mean there I was grumbling about shoveling my car out of 18 inches of snow and these poor people had to wear sweaters in their own home.

I had a zoom call last week and there were two people from Florida, both wearing sweaters and saying how cold it was. Their temperature was 68 degrees. I felt awful, I mean there I was grumbling about shoveling my car out of 18 inches of snow and these poor people had to wear sweaters in their own home.
Having lived down there, I know that most folks feel the chill at about 75! I was not one of those people...lol
... but I still DO use:

- film cameras
- non-microwave ovens
- non-"smart" phones
- mechanical wristwatches
- vitamins/supplements
- TV antenna
Film cameras are great. I have several. They don't get a lot of use, but once in a while, and nothing beats a good automatic mechanical watch. Antenna TV is as old as television itself. It's changed considerably, but a great option for anyone. And while microwave ovens may be okay for reheating, that's about all, as far as I'm concerned.